Ancient Greek Historiography

La esclavitud como factor de corrupción en la historiografía de cultura helenística: hybris, tryphé y moral estoica

Polybius / Plutarch / Ancient Greek Historiography / Theopompos of Chios / Ancient Slavery / Appian / Posidonius / Historiografía / Appian / Posidonius / Historiografía

Las fuentes geográficas griegas en la Compendiosa Historia Hispanica de Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo: el caso de Estrabón

Latin Literature / Early Modern History / Renaissance Humanism / Medieval Latin Literature / Ancient Greek Historiography / Renaissance Historiography / Humanismo / Medieval History of Spain / Humanismo y Renacimiento / Renaissance Historiography / Humanismo / Medieval History of Spain / Humanismo y Renacimiento

Sierra, c. \"La \'Arqueología\' y la utilización de las fuentes antiguas. Segundo repaso a la tendenciosidad de Tucídides\", Historiae 11, 2014, pp. 73-94.

Ancient History / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Historiography / Herodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography / Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso


Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Language / Ancient Greek Law / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient Greek Dialectology / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient Greek Dialectology

2000, \"La etnografía de los pueblos de Iberia en Diodoro V 33-34 y el problema de sus fuentes\", EPIEIKEIA. Studia Graeca in memoriam Jesús Lens Tuerol, 221-238.

Greek Literature / Hellenistic Literature / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Ancient Greek Historiography / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula

F.J. PRESEDO, P. GUINEA, J.M. CORTÉS, R. URÍAS (eds.), Χαῖρε. II Reunión de Historiadores del Mundo Griego Antiguo

Hellenistic History / Early Christianity / Emperor Julian / Philostratus / Alexander the Great / Cassius Dio / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Diodorus Siculus / Corinth / Procopius / Rethoric / Ancient Greek Law / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ancient Sparta / Mithridates / Megara / Athens / Alcibiades / Ancient Paradoxography / Menander Rhetor / Quintus Curtius Rufus / Ancient Athens / Ancient Macedonia / Ampurias / Dio of Prusa / History of the Peloponesian War / Greeks and Phoenicians / Greek Mitology / Poemas Homéricos / Polibio / Polibius / Troy Studies / Emperor Constantius II / John of Biclaro / Cassius Dio / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Diodorus Siculus / Corinth / Procopius / Rethoric / Ancient Greek Law / Greek and Roman Epigraphy / Ancient Sparta / Mithridates / Megara / Athens / Alcibiades / Ancient Paradoxography / Menander Rhetor / Quintus Curtius Rufus / Ancient Athens / Ancient Macedonia / Ampurias / Dio of Prusa / History of the Peloponesian War / Greeks and Phoenicians / Greek Mitology / Poemas Homéricos / Polibio / Polibius / Troy Studies / Emperor Constantius II / John of Biclaro

El legado de Tucídides en la cultura occidental. Discursos e historia, Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Clássicos, coll. \"Humanitas Supplementum\" nº 10, 2011.

Ancient History / Greek Literature / History and Classical tradition studies / Ancient Historiography / The Classical Tradition / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Antiquity / Classical Tradition in Modern Culture / Classical Tradition / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages / Thucydides / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Antiquity / Classical Tradition in Modern Culture / Classical Tradition / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Translation of classical and medieval texts in modern languages

«muchas veces pegarías a un ateniense creyendo que era un esclavo» (PS-X, 1.10): espacios democráticos y relaciones de dependencia en la Atenas Clásica / Democratic spaces and dependency relations in Classical Athens

Ancient economies (Archaeology) / Athenian Democracy / Pre-capitalist economic systems / Anthropology of the Ancient World / Pre-Capitalist Relations of Production / Ancient Greece (Anthropology) / Xenophon / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Athenian Imperialism / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / World systems in the ancient and pre-capitalist worlds / Ancient Greece (History) / Athenian Agora / Ancient social structure / Ancient Greek Cultural & Social History / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient economic history / Cultural history of the Ancient world / Historia Antigua Clásica / Athenian Law / Pre-Capitalist Forms of Economy / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Sociedades Precapitalistas / Precapitalist Societies / Ancient Greek Economy / Ancient Athens, Pericles, Pelopopnnesian War / Pre-capitalist Formations / Antigua Atenas / Ancient Social Classes / Ancient Greece (Anthropology) / Xenophon / Ancient Greek Rhetoric / Athenian Imperialism / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / World systems in the ancient and pre-capitalist worlds / Ancient Greece (History) / Athenian Agora / Ancient social structure / Ancient Greek Cultural & Social History / Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient economic history / Cultural history of the Ancient world / Historia Antigua Clásica / Athenian Law / Pre-Capitalist Forms of Economy / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Sociedades Precapitalistas / Precapitalist Societies / Ancient Greek Economy / Ancient Athens, Pericles, Pelopopnnesian War / Pre-capitalist Formations / Antigua Atenas / Ancient Social Classes

L’esclavitud en l’economia antiga. Fonaments discursius de la historiografia moderna (Segles XV-XVIII)

Aristotle / Historiography / History of Slavery / Scottish Enlightenment / Ancient Historiography / Adam Smith / David Hume / Ancient Greek Historiography / Aristotle's Politics / Montesquieu / J g a pocock / Ancient Slavery / Antislavery / Posidonius / Roman Slavery / Esclavitud / Esclavage / Eighteenth Century Antislavery / Adam Smith / David Hume / Ancient Greek Historiography / Aristotle's Politics / Montesquieu / J g a pocock / Ancient Slavery / Antislavery / Posidonius / Roman Slavery / Esclavitud / Esclavage / Eighteenth Century Antislavery

Los historiadores de la Antigüedad frente al fenómeno de la Violencia Colectiva

Roman Historiography / Historiography / Ancient Historiography / History of Historiography / Ancient Greek Historiography / Estudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto / Collective Violence / Storiografia / Violencia Política / Historiografia / Historiografía / Alte Geschichte / Storia e storiografie / Storia E Storiografia Antica / Historikerstreit / Estudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto / Collective Violence / Storiografia / Violencia Política / Historiografia / Historiografía / Alte Geschichte / Storia e storiografie / Storia E Storiografia Antica / Historikerstreit

Estado de la cuestión sobre las relaciones entre religión y política en la Grecia Antigua. Siglos VIII a V a. C.

Greek Tragedy / Ancient Greek Religion / Ancient Greek Historiography / Ancient Greek Politics / Ancient Greek Theatre / Cultural memory/Memorialization / Greek Mitology / Cultural memory/Memorialization / Greek Mitology

(2015) \"Tucídides visto desde el siglo XX\", en S. da Rocha Cunha y M. A. Baptista Martins (eds.), Política de poder, paz e guerra nas relaçôes internacionais, Ribeirâo: Ediçôes Humus, pp. 91-116

International Relations Theory / History and Classical tradition studies / The Classical Tradition / Thucydides / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Tucídides / Thucydides and IR / Ancient Greek Historiography / Reception of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War / Tucídides / Thucydides and IR

La locura como sentimiento originario en el hombre creador

Archaeology / Anthropology / Philosophy / Philosophy Of Religion / Ancient Greek Historiography / Herneutical Paradigmns for the Understanding of the Old Testament / Historiography of the study of religion / Herneutical Paradigmns for the Understanding of the Old Testament / Historiography of the study of religion

La antigüedad grecolatina en debate (ed. Julián Macías; comp. J. Cardigni. P. Grinstein, R. Illarraga, R. Laham Cohen, E. Noce, D. Paiaro, M. Requena y A. Sapere), Actas de las II Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Antigüedad Grecolatina, Bs. As., Rhesis. 248 pp. ISBN 978-987-3729-01-0

Ancient History / Greek Literature / Roman History / Greek Tragedy / Late Antiquity / Latin Language and Literature / Ancient Philosophy / Ancient Greek Religion / Ancient myth and religion / Greek Myth / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Antiquity and Late Antiquity / Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / History of Rome / Ancient Greece / Ancient Greek Language / Greek mythology / Ancient Rome / Greek Philology / Classical Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Mythology / Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy / Ancient Greek Literature / Antigüedad Tardía / Early Christianity, Late Antiquity / Historia Antigua Clásica / Ancient Greece and Rome / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Antiguedad Tardia, Arqueologia Cristiana, Estudios De Ceramica / Latin Language and Literature / Ancient Philosophy / Ancient Greek Religion / Ancient myth and religion / Greek Myth / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Historiography / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Antiquity and Late Antiquity / Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre / Ancient Greek and Roman Art / History of Rome / Ancient Greece / Ancient Greek Language / Greek mythology / Ancient Rome / Greek Philology / Classical Greek Philosophy / Ancient Greek Mythology / Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy / Ancient Greek Literature / Antigüedad Tardía / Early Christianity, Late Antiquity / Historia Antigua Clásica / Ancient Greece and Rome / Ancient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and Archaeology / Antiguedad Tardia, Arqueologia Cristiana, Estudios De Ceramica

Alemany, A._El discurso de los khanes turcos en Menandro el Protector

Ancient Greek Historiography / Old Turkic / Orkhon inscriptions / Menander Protector
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